
MATARAM - The Special Team for the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) High Prosecutor's Office pocketed the results of a field investigation regarding the case of alleged misappropriation in the management of the official house rental budget for the council secretary and 45 members of the Bima Regional House of Representatives worth IDR 11.94 billion.

NTB Attorney Spokesman Efrien Saputera said that a special team at the Attorney General's Office is now following up on the results of the field investigation by compiling a report.

"Later, the report on the results of this field trip will be submitted to the leadership (Head of the NTB Prosecutor's Office) to proceed to the review process", he said in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, February 7.

Regarding the information stating that the official housing rental budget is not in progress, but the Rp.11.94 billion is related to official housing allowances, Efrien has not dared to give a response.

"That matter went to the technical side. Just wait for the results from the leadership", he said.

He also only confirmed that during field activities, the attorney general's special team had obtained several statements from budget recipients regarding the alleged misappropriation.

"Yes, the point is there is a clarification process when the team goes to the field", he said.

Regarding the clarification process in the field, Bima Secretary Edy Tarunawan, confirmed by telephone, confirmed that he gave information to the prosecutor last weekend.

"Yes, we have explained. However, if it is better and more complete, please ask the prosecutor's office", said Edy briefly.

A special team from the Attorney General's Office went to the field at the end of last week based on an assignment warrant from the Head of the NTB Prosecutor's Office to collect field data and conduct a series of clarifications to parties who know about the budget for renting the official housing of the Sekwan and members of the Regional House of Representatives.

The provision for the special team to go down to the field is a report from the community. All data listed in the report has gone through a review process.

The community in their report to the NTB Prosecutor's Office attached documents on the realization of the budget for renting the official housing of the Sekwan and 45 members of the Bima Regional House of Representatives.

A nominal value of IDR 11.94 billion appears as the total budget for the last two years starting from 2021, with the calculation that each member receives IDR 132 million per year.

In addition to the budget realization document, the reporter also attached evidence regarding the existence of a member of the council who did not occupy the rented official residence because it was known that he already had a private house.

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