
PURBALINGGA - Deputy Secretary General of PBNU Isfandiari Mahbub Djunaidi along with the kiai and thousands of nahdliyin visited the tomb of KH Hisyam Abdul Karim, founder of the Roudlatus Islamic Boarding School Sholichin Kalijaran, Karanganyar District, Purbalingga, Sunday 5 February.

The tahlil and prayer activities together are a series of commemorations of Harlah 1 Century Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Purbalingga Regency.

KH Hisyam Abdul Karim is a charismatic cleric, who played an important role in the syiar of Islam through NU. The grandfather of Siti Atikoh, wife of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, founded Ponpes Roudlotus Sholichin since 1929. Currently, the boarding school is being cared for by KH Achmad Musta'id Billah, the uncle of Siti Atikoh.

Throughout his life, the cleric who is familiarly called Mbah Hisyam served in NU by becoming Ra'is Aam PCNU Purbalingga for three periods. In fact, he was awarded the book Al Muwattha' by KH Hasyim Asy'ari, the founder of NU.

Isfandiari showed intimacy by cooperating with KH Achmad Musta'id Billah while walking to Mbah Hisyam's grave located west of the Al Irsyad Mosque, the pesantren complex. Arriving at the tomb, they then read tahlil and pray together.

"Mbah Hisyam is a special person for Purbalingga and really has to remember her history and biography by the children, nahdliyin especially," said Isfandiari.

The pilgrimage activity in the series of commemorations of the 1st Century NU Harlah was an effort to commemorate and at the same time introduce the figure of an NU fighter.

"Yes, my message is that during a pilgrimage, especially young NU people, we must really get inspiration from him. Because he was young until the end of his life served the country in the archipelago so that he is remembered until now and friends still visit him for the benefit of many people," he explained.

On that occasion, he also appreciated the enthusiasm of the nahdliyin residents in Purbalingga in commemorating a century of the organization founded by KH Hasyim Asy'ari.

"This is one of the series of commemorations of the 1st Century of NU which was peaked in Sidoarjo. This is not only a national event but the world, and PBNU really appreciates the activities in Purbalingga because the enthusiasm is very great," he said.

It is known that the commemoration of Harlah one century NU in Purbalingga was lively. In addition to the pilgrimage to Mbah Hisyam's grave, a nusantara cultural carnival was also held at the Goentur Darjono Sports Hall.

Among them, 100 gunung tumpeng mountains. In addition, there are also cultural performances from each region, such as rebana, lumping horses and other cultures that are characteristic of the village.

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