
Deputy Governor of West Java (West Java Deputy Governor) Uu Ruzhanul Ulum said he agreed with the discourse on extending the term of office of the village head (kades) from six years to nine years because this would increase the continuity of development in the village.

"As long as it's for the good, I agree. Moreover, the name of the leader, frankly it must be sustainable. Now many leaders are not sustainable in one region, from one person to another, finally the program changes because new leaders sometimes have egos," said West Java Deputy Governor Uu Ruzhanul Ulum as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 2. The previous period, he said, was eight years in office, then changed to five years, then changed back to six years. Therefore, even if it was changed again to nine years, according to Uu, it was agreed as long as it was in accordance with applicable regulations. He gave an example of President Suharto's leadership, although it had shortcomings, but not a few programs were successful because it was carried out continuously through programs contained in the Large Lines of State Policy (GBHN) on every Five Years Development Plan (Repellita).

"In principle, I support the village head for nine years to continue the continuation of development in the village. If we change, we are worried that it will not be sustainable," he said. The era of the leadership of the Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heryawan, he said, if the current Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, would not have realized it.

"However, Mr. Emil is wise to continue, so that the program is completed. The public can take advantage of it and also other programs," he said. "Now if it's six years, if the village head is elected. But if not, that's okay. Especially now there is a budget meeting about villages. Not arbitrarily, the village uses money without a RAPBDes," continued Deputy Governor Uu.

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