
JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Voxpol Center Research and Consulting, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago, believes that the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) should immediately declare the names of the presidential and vice presidential candidates to be carried out in the 2024 presidential election.

"KIB should be faster, better. So what we know is that the presidential and vice presidential candidates can go around Indonesia to socialize their presidential candidate's vision. They can go around Indonesia, greeting and greeting the public," Pangi said in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 31.

According to Pangi, this would be more profitable for all parties considering the relatively short campaign schedule. "It's much better, the sooner people know so they don't choose the cat in the sack," he said.

"Because if you look at the KPU's schedule, it's impossible to say hello, and meet 270 million people with such a large area based on the KPU's schedule," Pangi continued.

Nevertheless, Pangi suspected that there was a certain strategy and design in KIB that prevented the coalition formed by Golkar, PAN, and PPP from ever declaring the name of a presidential candidate.

"I think the party must have a design, have a strategy. Maybe wait for a good momentum, a good day," he said.

It is possible, continued Pangi, that KIB is waiting for other parties to join the coalition consisting of Golkar, PPP, and PAN. In addition, there is a possibility that the discussion on the name of the presidential candidate in the internal KIB has yet to meet a common ground.

"Maybe that's why KIB hasn't announced the presidential and vice presidential candidates so that other parties will join KIB," he concluded.

Previously, KIB planned to hold a meeting this week. The agenda for the meeting was to receive preparatory reports ahead of the election including conveying the names of the candidates by each party.

The plan is that today, the general chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, will visit the Golkar Party office. 

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