The SAR Team Found The Bodies Of Members Of The Bintang Mountains Police Which Fell On The Digoel River
The process of evacuating the bodies of Pratu Ferdian, a member of Infantry Battalion 143/TWEJ who fell along with three members of the Bintang Mountains Police in the River were sold. (ANTARA/HO)


PAPUA - The joint SAR team found one of the bodies of a member of the Bintang Mountains Police who fell on the Digoel River. The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny, confirmed the discovery of this body. However, he has not confirmed the identity of the victim. The body has now been buried at the Iwur Police Post. "The plan is that the bodies will be evacuated to Oksibil in the early hours of Wednesday and hopefully everything will run smoothly," explained Benny when confirmed in Jayapura, Antara, Tuesday, January 31. When asked about the weapon brought by the victim, Kombes Benny admitted that he could not confirm it. For the time being, it is estimated that four of the weapons were brought by the late. Pratu Ferdian. The incident of the fall of four members of the TNI-Polri in the Digul River began when a group led by the Pegubin Police Chief AKBP Dafi Bustomi and the Pamtas Task Force Battalion 143/TWEJ Lt. Col. Inf Ari Timor headed to Iwur by passing through the suspension bridge. As the four victims walked, suddenly a tree collapsed until the victims who had just walked on the suspension bridge fell into a fairly heavy river. Four TNI-Polri personnel fell on the Sale River, namely Brigadier Yohanes Matteus, Bripda Risman Rahman and Bripda Staffanus Randongkir and Pratu Ferdian from Yonif 143/TWEJ who went missing. Pratu Ferdian's body was evacuated to Jakarta on Tuesday and then to his hometown in Klaten, Central Java for burial.

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