JAKARTA – The rise of kidnapping cases in various regions has made people more careful in protecting their family members, especially children. Facts from a number of cases in various regions or areas, such as in Jakarta, Cilegon, Pandeglang, Bogor, and a number of other areas, prove that kidnappers target children as their victims.
In several cases that were revealed, the kidnapped children were used as money-making 'machines'. Victims are forced to beg on the side of the road and even worse, they are made into sexual desires.
Nevertheless, the police continue to make various efforts so that every reported kidnapping case can be uncovered.
Along with the rise of the issue of kidnapping, people are now often terrorized by hoaxes through content or information circulating on social media or via WhatsApp (WA) messages. Therefore, the police continue to ask the public not to be consumed by false or hoax information.
Moreover, in Sorong, West Papua, a woman was burned to death after a resident accused her of being a kidnapper. However, after an investigation, the woman was not the kidnapper. This case is proof that people everywhere feel very high concern about child kidnapping cases.
Recently, the West Java Regional Police released an e-flyer containing an appeal to the public regarding the rampant issue of kidnapping.
The appeal contains several points that need to be considered by the public so they do not become victims of kidnapping.
Here are the contents:
West Java Regional Police
Anticipation of Child kidnapping
- To be calm and not panic
- Don't believe in hoaxes before knowing the facts
- Give understanding to children to be alert and not easily influenced by strangers
- Supervise children when outside the home and do not use fancy or expensive items
- If you see a suspicious person, report it to the nearest officer immediately
It should be noted that the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit, pays special attention to child kidnapping cases. This was conveyed through the Head of the Public Relations Division at the National Police Headquarters, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, Tuesday, January 3.
"The attention of the leader of the National Police, so his order is to be completed immediately regarding the process of cases where the victim is a child. This has become the attention of the leader," said Dedi.
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