
JAKARTA - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo released his favorite bicycle to support Special Olympics Indonesia (SOIna) athletes competing in the Special Olympics World Summer Games in Berlin, Germany. Ganjar's special bicycle sold for IDR 1.1 billion.

Ganjar's orange-black folding e-bike type was auctioned at a charity night and Special Olympics gala dinner at the Indonesian Museum, Jakarta's Monas area, Wednesday, January 25 evening. Apart from Ganjar's bicycle, there were also items belonging to the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki, Menpora Zainudin Amali, Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Azwar Anas, who was auctioned at the event.

"This is a special bicycle. This bicycle is second to none. The factory came to me because I like bicycles and was offered this. Look for a factory that makes it, there won't be any. The problem is I ordered this specifically and my name is engraved on this bicycle," said Ganjar Pranowo.

Ganjar Pranowo bersama para atlet. (IST)

Support Disabilities

Ganjar, who also serves as Chair of the SOIna Advisory Board, said his bicycle was very special. This is because the bicycle is often used during morning sports activities while greeting the public.

"Because this is for our great children, I'm looking for the best bike. I'm actually a bit sad, so if I donate a little I'm even sadder," joked Ganjar.

The bicycle was opened for auction at a price of IDR 500 million. Unexpectedly, Ganjar's bicycle was bought for IDR 1.1 billion. From the results of the auction of Ganjar's bicycles and other items including paintings from people with disabilities, IDR 4.2 billion was collected.

Ganjar further said that he had seen the struggle of SOIna athletes in Dubai. He said he was moved to see how great the Indonesian children were fighting to raise the Red and White Flag.

"And I was asked to put on the medal. That's extraordinary. Our special children have a passion that we must fully support. Hopefully in Berlin tomorrow they will have more enthusiasm to raise the red and white flag there," he concluded.

Setelah dibuka ke para hadirin akhirnya sepeda kesayangan Ganjar Pranowo laku dengan harga Rp 1,1 miloar. (IST)


Meanwhile, Menpora Zainudin Amali said that so far not many people knew about SOIna. In fact, SOIna's athletes have also contributed greatly to the nation's name.

"Don't take it for granted, they are also proud of the Indonesian people out there. Mr. Ganjar also told me about when SOIna athletes fought in Dubai. It was very touching," he explained.

The Menpora also appreciated Ganjar who was asked to serve as Chairman of the SOIna Advisory Board. According to him, Ganjar Pranowo paid extraordinary attention to SOIna athletes.

"Yesterday at PESONAS in Semarang was also extraordinary, full support. Hopefully later I will be invited by Mr. Ganjar Pranowo to Berlin to give encouragement to our athletes," he concluded.

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