
JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Maruf Amin emphasized the importance of creating superior human resources that will be the carriers of the nation's leadership relay.

"One of the country's current priorities is to ensure the realization of Indonesia's superior human resources, namely the young generation carrying the nation's leadership relay," said the Vice President in his remarks online at the XXVI Special School of Islamic Religion (STAI) Sukahuddin Al-Ayyubi event. Jakarta, Sunday 22 January, confiscated by Antara.

The Vice President conveyed that a nation must have superior human resources as the key to creating prosperity on earth, and education is a major factor in producing a superior generation that is competitive and has a high national commitment.

According to him, there are two essential factors regarding the creation of superior human resources, namely human resources that understand religious knowledge and master science and technology that must go hand in hand.

On that occasion, the Vice President advised STAI Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi to continue to improve governance and the quality of educational services.

He emphasized that in the current era of digitalization, the flow of information can be spread quickly so that efforts of stakeholders are needed through strengthening the values of national character which is the main foundation in preventing the entry of other ideas that are not in line with Pancasila.

Vice President Ma'ruf reminded that character formation is not an instant process that must be developed gradually and sustainably from an early age, one of which is through religious education.

He hopes that STAI Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi as one of the Islamic universities in Indonesia can create national Muslim figures who are able to bring change towards progress and maintain the good name of the Indonesian nation.

Ending his remarks, the Vice President congratulated and advised the graduates of STAI Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi Jakarta to take advantage of all knowledge and experience that is owned for the benefit of the community.

"I hope that all the knowledge, learning, provisions, and experiences that have been absorbed so far can be optimally distributed to the public. Congratulations to the graduates of the 26th Bachelors of the School of Islamic Religion Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi Jakarta," he said.

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