
JAKARTA - The celebration of the Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo) for the welfare of the community's economy and achieving double-digit votes in the 2024 General Election continues to be echoed from Sabang to Merauke.

To Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), National Daily Chairperson of the Perindo Party DPP Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) HM Zainul Majdi gave new energy injections to the administrators while attending the internal consolidation of Perindo Party administrators throughout NAD.

TGB emphasized that the Perindo Party is very committed to building the community's economy to create a Prosperous Indonesia.

"The Perindo Party is not only present to enliven (the 2024 election), but will participate in endeavoring kindness for Aceh," said TGB at the Perindo Nanggroe Aceh Party DPW Office Darussalam, in a statement, Tuesday, January 17.

According to him, the Perindo Party is determined to participate in building the Indonesian economy, especially in the Aceh region. Moreover, Aceh has long been known as one of the trade centers.

"Economic activity is already inherent in the people of Aceh. History shows this area has an independent society," explained the grandson of National Hero TGKH M Zainuddin Abdul Madjid.

TGB encourages all Perindo Party DPW administrators and cadres together with 23 DPD administrators in NAD Province to continue to build cohesiveness. Management must also continue to listen to all inputs in the community.

In addition to TGB, he was present at the consolidation of the Perindo Party of NAD Province, Deputy DPP of the Perindo Party Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah, Chairman of the DPW of the Perindo NAD Party H Husaini M Amin, Secretary of the DPW of the Perindo NAD Party Asrul Abbas; and all DPD administrators.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Perindo Party DPW NAD Husaini M Amin said this meeting had given its own encouragement to all administrators.

Through this consolidation, it is hoped that Perindo Party officials in the NAD can get an idea in order to maximize the party's struggle.

"Mr. Guru (TGB Zainul Majdi) and Mr. Ferry Kurnia provide an overview of how work ethic for the party. To keep the Perindo Party victorious," said the man who is familiarly called Tengku Batee.

On the sidelines of consolidation activities, TGB also made a pilgrimage to the graves of the great Acehnese cleric as well as an Islamic legal expert, namely Sheikh Abdurrauf bin Ali Al-Fansury or often known as Shiah Kuala in Deah Raya Village, Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh City.

The Kuala Shiite tomb is located on the coast of Banda Aceh, the tomb survived the tsunami disaster 18 years ago.

"Syiah Kuala is a legal expert and became the great mufti in the kingdom, she was also the first cleric to translate the Koran in the archipelago," said TGB.

According to him, the struggle of the great scholar Shia Kuala should be emulated, because building a government with an Islamic concept, so it should be used as a guideline by this nation and state.

TGB is scheduled to visit Aceh for two days to consolidate with the DPW and DPD of the Perindo Party towards the 2024 General Election.

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