
SENTANI - Sentani Airport Authority, Papua Province, admitted that to this day, the Sentani-Oxybil regular flight service has not been served due to security factors. "It is true that until now the Sentani-Oxybil regular flight service has not been carried out for security reasons," said Public Relations of Sentani Airport Surya Eka to Antara in Sentani, Jayapura Regency, Papua. Surya Eka explained that prior to the shooting incident experienced by civilian aircraft last Monday, January 9, the Sentani-Oxybil regular flight was served by Trigana and AMA. However, since the existence of Trigana's security disturbances, it has temporarily not served the route. Meanwhile, the Head of the Bintang Mountains Police, AKBP Muhammad Davi Bustomi, separately admitted that the situation in Oksibil began to be conducive and community activities were also gradually returning to normal. It was stated that the kiosks started selling as well as Papuan mothers seemed to sell them in the market. "Hopefully the situation continues to normal and members of the TNI-Polri will continue to be on standby to provide a sense of security," hoped AKBP Davi. As is known, the KKB (Armed Criminal Group) since Saturday, January 7 carried out a series of acts of terror that exchanged fire with the TNI-Polri security forces, then set fire to the SMKN 1 building. Last Monday, KKB again set fire to the Pegubin Disdukcapil office and shot a civilian plane that was about to land so that the plane returned to Tanah Merah, Boven Digul Regency. On the fuselage belonging to Ikairos who was shot, there were several signs or holes. It has been recorded that 107 civilians have fled from Oksibil since Thursday, January 12.

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