
The inactive Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng will be tried on Thursday, January 19 in connection with the corruption in the construction of the Kingmi Mile 32 Church. The trial was conducted after the files were transferred to the Makassar District Court Corruption Court (PN). "Kasatgas Penuntaan KPK Ikhsan Fernandi Z telah selesai melimpahkan berkas perkara dan surat dakwaan para terdakwa, yaitu Eltinus Omaleng," kata Kepala Bagian Beritaan KPK Ali Fikri kepada wartawan, Jumat, 13 Januari. Apart from Eltinus, there is a file belonging to the Head of the Welfare Section of the Mimika Regency Secretariat which is a commitment-making official (PPK) Marthen Sawy and the Director of PT Waringin Megah (WM), Teguh Anggara. Their file was transferred on Thursday, January 12 yesterday. Furthermore, the detention of the three defendants became the authority of the corruption court. "And the place of detention is still in the KPK detention center," said Ali. In this case, the KPK suspects that there is a discrepancy, including the period of work when the church was built and the lack of work volume even though payments have been made. As a result, the state lost up to IDR 21.6 billion from the contract value of IDR 46 billion. In addition, Eltinus allegedly made various arrangements. One of them directly appointed PT Waringin Megah, led by Teguh Anggara. From this appointment, it is suspected that there was an agreement to provide a fee of 10 percent, of which 7 percent was for Eltinus and 3 percent was Teguh. In addition, it is suspected that there was a subcontractor from another company, namely PT Kuala Persada Papua Nusantara (KPPN) who worked without a contract agreement. Eltinus said the KPK also received around Rp4.4 billion in this case.

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