
JAKARTA - Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung, West Java, has performed a one-year-old operation to separate conjoined twins from West Bandung Regency (KBB), named Ayesha and Aleeya.

Director of Medical, Nursing, and Support Services RSHS Bandung, Dr. Zulvayanti, said the separation operation lasted about eight hours. Meanwhile, the bodies of the conjoined twins are attached, namely in the chest and abdomen.

"In its development, Alhamdulillah, it is getting better and healthier", she said in the city of Bandung, quoted from Antara, Friday, January 13.

Previously, she said, the baby was also born by cesarean section so the medical team from RSHS continued to monitor the development of the two babies.

According to her, now the two babies who have been separated are allowed to go home. The operation process to postoperative care lasted about four weeks.

She explained that the two babies underwent postoperative care at different times. For Ayesha, according to her, the treatment lasts for one week, while Aleeya needs to be treated for 12 days.

The operation for conjoined twins involved pediatric surgeons, heart surgeons, plastic surgeons, and other doctors.

After being allowed to go home, he said, doctors from RSHS will continue to monitor the development of the child's health and growth. This is done so that the baby's growth and development can match the baby's age.

Because in general, a one-year-old baby has already gone through the crawling phase. Meanwhile, the two babies who were born on January 10, 2022, have not gone through that phase because their bodies are not yet normal.

"For example, if one year old should be like what, now this is what will be pursued", said Dr. Zulvayanti.

Meanwhile, the father of Ayesha and Aleeya, Eka Lesmana (24) said he was happy that his two children were starting to live a normal life like other babies. He also admitted that he would continue to follow directions from RSHS doctors to check on his child's health in the future.

"Yes, for example, you have to change these pads (former surgery), the team of doctors has informed you, I'll be here in a week for control", he said.

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