
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Social Service (Dinsos) Premi Lasari denied the findings of rotten rice in a warehouse owned by Perumda Pasar Jaya, a 2020 DKI social assistance product that was not distributed.

Premi said the social assistance procurement contract for residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic years from the DKI Regional Budget and Pasar Jaya had ended at the end of 2020.

"We have indeed had a contract with Perumdah Pasar Jaya. However, I confirm that our contract has expired on December 31, 2020," said Premi when met in the South Jakarta area, Friday, January 13.

The procurement mechanisms to the distribution of the DKI Provincial Government's social assistance to residents at that time, said Premi, also received supervision from a number of institutions, ranging from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), to the DKI Jakarta Inspectorate.

Meanwhile, regarding the findings of piles of rotten rice in the warehouse owned by the regional-owned enterprise (BUMD) for the food, Premi admitted that he did not know its designation.

"I don't know. We'll just wait and see who it is," he said.

Meanwhile, the Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta BUMD Development Agency, Fitria Rahadiani, revealed that the rice that had turned yellow and moldy in Pasar Jaya's warehouse was the remaining stock from the company's retail business.

"For the remaining rice stock in Pulogadung, based on the results of coordination with Perumda Pasar Jaya, the remaining stock is the remaining stock of the company's retail business," said Fitria.

Fitria also claims that the remaining rice stock in Pasar Jaya's warehouse will not be disposed of, but will be resold in an auction system. However, Fitria did not explain what the allocation of the rotten rice was.

"Against the remaining stock, Perumda Pasar Jaya will conduct an auction, in collaboration with the auction office at the end of January," he said.

It is known that the findings of this rotten rice went viral on Twitter by social media activist Rudi Valinka with the account name @warawa. Kurawa accused that the rice he found at Pasar Jaya's warehouse in the Pulogadung area, East Jakarta was social assistance rice.

The findings of this rice are also associated with accusations about the issue of corruption in the provision of social assistance (bansos) for residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, at which time the Governor of DKI Jakarta was still held by Anies Baswedan.

In a series of his tweets, Kurawa did not clearly reveal the alleged corruption and the nominal.

He only revealed data that was claimed to be the result of a forensic audit of Ernst & Young's public accounting firm (KAP) which stated that there was an unknown surprise (unknown loss) worth IDR 150 billion.

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