
JAKARTA - Member of the NasDem Faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Wibi Andrino, asked the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta not to abolish the policy of disbursing land and building taxes (PBB) for war veterans to teachers in Jakarta.

This policy was issued in 2019 when Anies Baswedan was still the Governor of DKI Jakarta. This is stated in Governor Regulation Number 19 of 2019 concerning the Release of Land and Rural and Urban Taxes to Teachers and Education Personnel, Lecturers and Education Personnel, Veterans of the Republic of Indonesia, Pioneers of Independence, Recipients of National Heroships, Recipients of Honorary Certificates, Former Presidents and Former Vice Presidents, Former Governors and Deputy Governors, Retired Indonesian National Army/Indonesian Police and Retired Civil Servants.

"Mr. Anies, who has provided tax incentives, tax reductions to teachers, veterans, and people whose services are in this country. It must continue. Don't revoke it," Wibi said when contacted, Monday, January 9.

Wibi membenarkan Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemrov) DKI memiliki tugas untuk menggjot pendapatan daerah yang terutama bersumber dari pajak. Namun, ia mengingatkan pajak harus berpihak bagi masyarakat yang mampu maupun yang tidak mampu.

Meanwhile, according to Wibi, the parties who accepted the UNgraft policy should be given appreciation because they are considered to have contributed.

"That is a very, very extraordinary program that an Anies Baswedan has given to heroes or people who have contributed in Jakarta," explained Wibi.

On that occasion, Wibi also understood the realization of the regional budget (APBD) for the 2022 fiscal year, which had not yet been absorbed 100 percent.

Realization of regional revenue as of December 31, 2022 reached IDR 67.3 trillion or 86.56 percent of the target of IDR 77.8 trillion. Meanwhile, the realization of regional spending as of December 31, 2022, was absorbed by IDR 64.9 trillion or 84.32 percent of the budget of IDR 76.9 trillion.

This member of Commission C of the DKI DPRD admitted that he would ask for an explanation from the DKI Provincial Government regarding the realization of the APBD which did not reach the target. Even so, he considered his achievements to be quite good.

"As a partner of the Provincial Government in Commission C, we will continue to monitor, we will also continue to check what steps make it not achieve to above 90 percent. However, we have to look at this increase positively because we have just fought the pandemic," he explained.

For information, while still serving as Governor of DKI, Anies released PBB-P2 to a number of parties. In Article 2 of Governor Regulation Number 19 of 2019, a total of 100 percent of UN-P2 exemption can be given to taxpayers:

a. private people who work as teachers and education personnel and / or lecturers and education staff, including retirees; b. private people who are veterans and pioneers of independence; c. private people who receive the title of national hero; d. private people who receive honorary certificates in the form of Stars from the President of the Republic of Indonesia; e. private people former president and former vice president, former governor and former deputy governor; f. private people retired; and / or. retired private person.

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