
JAKARTA - The case of a man burning his ex-wife in a serial in Penjaringan, North Jakarta reveals a number of problems that occurred between MR (the perpetrator) and DW (the victim) while in the household. Here are the facts.

DW's Lover's Death Toll

S (39), is DW's new lover. At the time of the incident, S and DW were both at the scene, near the Jelambar bridge. Indeed, both of them were targets of MR, who at that time had already brought gasoline in plastic.

According to witnesses at the scene, MR suddenly doused S and DW with gasoline and ignited them with fire. When the two victims screamed in pain, MR walked casually from the location while no one dared to intercept them.

Feeling the pain of feeling the heat that burned the body. DW did too, but he threw himself into the river. Residents helped DW lift his body from the bottom of the river. DW survived with a severe injury condition, 85 percent. By DW residents being rushed to the hospital.

Meanwhile, S's condition was so tragic. He died from severe burns. S's body was taken to the Police Hospital that night for an autopsy.

The witness saw the seconds the victim was burned

The coffee trader who was selling near the scene said that the perpetrator was suspected to be the victim's ex-husband. The man who is familiarly called Bewok explained that the reason the perpetrator burned the victim was because he was jealous of his new girlfriend D, namely S.

"The perpetrator shouted 'you're dead' when you throw (a bottle filled with gasoline)," Bewok said when met at the scene, Thursday, January 5.

Bewok said the perpetrator, after throwing it, immediately walked away from the location.

"He ran, back. The direction of Gong Bay," he said.

Bewok revealed that he and other residents helped the victim when he fell into the river, then was pulled by local residents using ropes.

"It's covered his body," he concluded.

The police had difficulty finding the perpetrators

Penjaringan Police Chief Commissioner M. Probandono Bobby Danuardi said there were a few difficulties in revealing the identity of the perpetrator. Because according to Bobby, at the scene there were no surveillance cameras or CCTV.

"Still in the process of being chased. There is no CCTV at the location (of the incident). The location is on the side of the river," Bobby said in a short message, Thursday, January 5. In addition, survivors cannot be questioned because they are still undergoing treatment at the hospital.

The perpetrator is the victim's ex-husband

The victim's father DW, Paimin (72) admitted that he was sure that the perpetrator who burned his son and his girlfriend was the victim's ex-husband, MR. This belief was based on the witness at the scene, because someone saw MR burning.

However, Paimin admitted that he did not know further the motive for the burning of his son and son's lover. However, Paimin received news that the perpetrator was jealous because his son already had a new boyfriend.

"He's jealous. When he hears the story, because he's dating," he concluded.

The police, after MR was arrested, only revealed that the perpetrator was the victim's ex-husband.

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Wibowo confirmed that the perpetrator was arrested. Ridwan was arrested Friday morning, January 6.

"Alhamdulillah, it's done. This morning at 8.30 WIB," said Wibowo when confirmed by VOI, Friday, January 6.

Wibowo said that the perpetrator was the victim's ex-husband, initials D. The perpetrator is currently detained at the Pejaringan Police, for further investigation.

"Yes, it's really a relationship status with victim D (ever) married in an unregistered marriage," he said.

A problematic household

MR and DW were married and divorced in October 2022. It was only three months. It was not explained what caused the two of them to divorce, but Paimin revealed that during MR's time as DW's husband never provided for his son.

Paimin admitted that for 17 years as his father-in-law, MR's daily needs were borne by him. Because said Paimin, the perpetrator does not have a job or is unemployed.

"17 years as a daughter-in-law, I don't have a job. Just don't know. Child 3, my responsibility is all with D (victim). Just eat it, it was sent from here in the morning, it was sent from here. For MR. It was sent to D," said Paimin when met at his house on Jalan Jelambar, West Jakarta, Thursday, January 5.

Paimin again said that MR only drinks and gambles every day. Not infrequently he hears that MR often causes problems with other people.

"He likes drunk and likes gambling," he said.

Perpetrators often have problems with the law

Paimin also said that if the alleged perpetrator often creates problems, he even slashes people.

"His name is a drunk driver, drinking. He's been stabbed too," said Paimin when met on Jalan Jelambar, West Jakarta, Thursday, January 5.

In addition, continued Paimin, the alleged perpetrator often deals with the police.

"Yes. Not long ago he (the perpetrator) was also in trouble too. Not long ago. Salemba or Jatinegara, the police said he brought it. A few days ago, a week or something." he said.

Arrested without fighting

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Wibowo said that MR had been arrested since Friday morning, January 6. MR was arrested in Teluk Gong, West Jakarta. MR did not fight back when he was arrested by officers.

After that MR was taken to the Penjaringan Police. There MR admitted all his actions, namely burning DW and S. DW survived despite experiencing 85 percent burns. Meanwhile, S died.

"Already a suspect. He has admitted (his actions-ed)," said Wibowo when confirmed, Friday, January 6.

The perpetrator is a Kalijodo thug

Bowo, a neighbor of DW, said that the perpetrator MR alias Ridwan was the Kali Jodoh Preman. Even neighbors on Jalan Jelambar Ilir, Tambora, West Jakarta do not dare to talk to the perpetrators.

"The person is easily offended. He is a Kalijodo Preman. The person is easily offended," said Bowo when met on Jalan Jelambar Ilir, West Jakarta, Friday, 6 West Jakarta.

Bowo said that Ridwan was the person feared in the direction. Apart from the temperamental, he is also light on his hands, hitting and even slashing people.

"He's a recidivist. Often hits people, even stabs. That's why people here (residents) know his behavior, but they are also afraid, it's better to stay away from Iwan," he said.

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