
Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD) Michael Rolandi, said that the realization of the regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD) for the 2022 fiscal year has increased from the previous year.

Realization of regional revenue as of December 31, 2022 reached IDR 67.3 trillion or 86.56 percent of the target of IDR 77.8 trillion. This realization increased by IDR 1.8 trillion compared to last year's realization of IDR 65.6 trillion.

Meanwhile, in the realization of regional spending as of December 31, 2022, Rp64.9 trillion or 84.32 percent of the Rp76.9 trillion budget was absorbed. This realization increased by Rp3.3 trillion compared to the realization of regional spending in 2021 which was absorbed by Rp61.6 trillion.

"The management of the APBD in the COVID-19 pandemic recovery situation as in 2022 is quite challenging. However, with the principle of prudence and management wisely, the realization of revenue and budget absorption in DKI Jakarta in 2022 has increased compared to last year," Michael said in his statement, Thursday, December 5.

Michael explained that the increase in the realization of regional income in 2022 was motivated by various efforts by the DKI Provincial Government in easing tax payments imposed on residents of the capital city.

"Fiscal incentive policies such as reducing PBB-P2, eliminating regional tax administrative sanctions, also encourage an increase in the realization of 2022 revenue of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," said Michael.

Meanwhile, the increase in budget absorption in 2022 as reflected in this regional shopping post shows that the economy in Jakarta continues to grow.

"The DKI Jakarta Regional Budget is always managed reliably for the community and can be an instrument that supports the economic recovery of Jakarta and Indonesia," he explained.

In detail, regional income posts that reached Rp. 67.3 trillion, consist of: a. Regional revenue (PAD) derived from regional taxes (Rp40.3 trillion), regional retribution income (Rp376.4 billion), revenue from separated regional wealth management (Rp402.4 billion), and other legitimate PAD income (Rp4.6 trillion). b. Central government transfer income reached Rp18.9 trillion.c. Other legitimate income reached Rp2.8 trillion.

Meanwhile, regional expenditure items that reached Rp64.9 trillion, consist of: a. Operating expenditures originating from personnel expenditures (Rp17.7 trillion), goods and services expenditures (Rp23.6 trillion), interest expenditures (Rp270.6 billion), subsidy expenditures (Rp6.3 trillion), Grant Expenditures (Rp2.7 trillion), and social assistance expenditures (Rp5.04 trillion).b. Capital expenditures reached Rp8.8 trillion.c. Unexpected expenditures reached Rp67.8 billion.d. Transfer expenditures in the form of financial assistance reached Rp484.8 billion.

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