
The Indonesian Embassy - Natuna Regency Government (Pemkab) confirmed that there are restrictions on going to sea for more than 12 miles for traditional fishermen fishing rods in local waters.

Provisions related to fishing zones for traditional fishermen in the Natuna sea area to the northern Natuna Sea are contained in the Minister of Marine Affairs of Fisheries Regulation (Permen KP) Number 18 2021.

"It is important to convey information that once a fisherman passes 12 miles, it spreads to legal problems, due to the provisions for restricting fishing areas," said Deputy Regent of Natuna, Rodhial Huda when receiving representatives of a number of fishermen in Natuna, Riau Islands Province (Kepri), Wednesday, January 4, as reported by Antara.

Rodhial reminded that legal matters would arise if the fishing zone, as regulated in Permen KP number 18 of 2021, was violated by fishermen in the Natuna area.

During the meeting, Rodhial admitted that traditional Natuna fishermen also conveyed other problems that were troubling their economy regarding restrictions on buying diesel fuel to go to sea.

Regarding the problems faced by the Natuna traditional fisherman, Rodhial said the Natuna Regency Government only followed up by examining the problem and then handing it over to the central government.

"To be discussed and found a solution up to the central level," he said.

He also conveyed to each head of the fishing group to gather problems and convey the Fisheries Service.

"So that later a solution can be found and a policy is made," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the issue of managing the Fisherman's Ship Registration Certificate (TDKP) for ships above 6 GT, Rodhial said the local government was still trying to provide services at the district level in Natuna.

"It is my job and the regent to ensure that the issue of licensing for the 6 GT ship and above can be handled in Natuna by asking the authorities to open outlets for TDKP permits," said Rodhial.

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