
MALUKU - The joint SAR team succeeded in evacuating the body of Junaidin Sardam (23), a fisherman from Air Pessy Hamlet, Piru Village, West Seram Regency, Maluku, who was reported missing at sea since Friday, December 30.

"The victim's body was found today by the joint SAR team during the second day of SAR operation," said Head of the Ambon Search and Rescue Office, Mustari, quoted from Antara, Saturday, December 31.

At around 08.09 WIT, Junaidin Sardam's body was found by the joint SAR team. The victim was floating about 100 meters from the scene in a dead condition.

The victim's body was then evacuated by the joint SAR team at 08.17 WIT, then taken to the funeral home.

Since 07.00 WIT, said Mustari, the joint SAR team has resumed search operations. The team is divided into two teams to expand the search area. The first group used a Maluku Basarnas rubber boat (rubber boat) to search for coordinates 3 deg 5' 7" S up to 128 deg 2' 59" E.

Team two uses a longboat of people conducting a search at coordinates 3 deg 0' 50" s.d. 128 deg 7' 47" E.

"It didn't take long because only an hour later the search for the victim's body was found about 100 meters from the scene of the incident and died," he said.

The fisherman was initially reported to have gone to FAD to turn on the lights on Friday, December 30, at around 01.00 WIT.

The weather conditions at that time, he said, were very extreme and were not friendly due to a storm accompanied by high waves. However, the victim continued to row his boat to the FAD to turn on the lights.

The victim's family and the surrounding community had time to make a search. However, only found the boat and the victim's clothes.

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