JAKARTA - Chairman of the Ummat Party Syuro Council, Amien Rais, views that the implementation of rectual administrative verification and verification of the Ummat Party as candidates for the 2024 General Election is a manifestation of the beauty of democracy in Indonesia.
"Alhamdulillah, even yesterday we were a little surprised (not qualifying as participants in the 2024 election), but then because everyone could make a mistake, we also don't feel always right, thank God this is the beauty of democracy in Indonesia. This means, always open to improvements," said Amien Rais to reporters at the KPU RI Office, Jakarta, Antara, Friday, December 30.
Before being declared qualified through re- factual verification, Amien Rais was suspicious of government interference. Amien threw a statement that the Ummat Party did not pass due to the game of the ruling regime so that it did not pass the election.
After qualifying, Amien expressed his appreciation for the openness of the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia and the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of the Republic of Indonesia to provide opportunities for the Ummat Party to participate in rectified factual administrative and verification verification.
Previously, on Wednesday, the Ummat Party was declared ineligible in the factual verification stages in two provinces, namely East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and North Sulawesi so that they did not qualify to participate in the 2024 General Election.
Based on this decision, on Friday, December 16, the Ummat Party then reported the Indonesian KPU to the Indonesian Bawaslu regarding the election dispute related to the results of factual verification of political parties for candidates participating in the 2024 General Election.
After two mediation with the Indonesian KPU which was facilitated by the Indonesian Bawaslu, both parties agreed to re-verify the Indonesian KPU against the Ummat Party.
The agreement is contained in the Indonesian Bawaslu Decision Number 006/PS.Reg/Bawaslu/XII/2022.
After re- factual verification and verification in NTT and North Sulawesi, the results of the KPU recapitulation in NTT showed that the Ummat Party met the requirements in 19 regions from a minimum requirement of 17 regions so that the party was declared eligible for factual verification in the province.
Next, in North Sulawesi, the Ummat Party meets the requirements in 11 regions with a minimum requirement of 11 regions so that the party is declared eligible for factual verification in the province. Thus, the Indonesian KPU stated that the Ummat Party met the requirements to be appointed as a participant in the 2024 General Election.
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