
JAKARTA - As many as 22 residents who own 34 fields in Wadas Village who had strongly rejected the mining of kuwari land, finally volunteered to submit files for measurement.

The submission of the file was directly commanded by the Chairman of the Wadas Village Nature Care Community Movement (Gempadives), Insin Sutrisno at the Purworejo State Land Agency (BPN) Office, Monday, December 26 yesterday.

Insin arrived at around 09.35 WIB, accompanied by 8 other residents. They were met directly by the Head of BPN Purworejo, Andri Kristanto in his room.

The meeting took place in a dialogue and kinship. In fact, Insin asked for the measurement process and disbursement of compensation to be carried out quickly.

"Today we submitted the files of residents who have agreed to mine for Bener Dam. There are 34 fields, but the person is less than that because one person can have more than one field. I myself have 5 fields yesterday," said Insin.

He claimed to be the head of the GemBEwa who was passionate about refusing mining in Wadas Village. The change in attitude from refusing to support on the basis of awareness. He emphasized that there was no element of coercion.

"Finally we are because we are old like this, we have been reminded by God not to be modest. Yes, because of their respective awareness, there is no mutual force," he explained.

For him, the compensation money that is determined must comply with the rules. Do not let the nominal price be different.

"Regarding compensation, it's just according to the rules. Because information is circulating in the future, the last stage has more expensive information. Price differences have an impact on our family in the village," he added.

For residents who have not submitted, he hopes, namely to be approached properly. Do not be injured because the slightest injury will have an unfavorable impact in the future.

"Hopefully after mining the residents will be more prosperous and will still be able to farm. And those who receive compensation money, the money is not used that is strange, using the money according to the needs of our children and grandchildren," he explained.

Meanwhile, Ana, a mother who had gone viral, cried when she received strict treatment from the security forces, said that her party had supported the Andesit mining project in her village. However, it still provides supervision so that the project runs without harming the residents.

"Today we handed over files with residents who previously rejected the andesit rock mining plan for the construction of the Bener Dam," he said.

He and the residents who chose to submit the file admitted that they did not receive sufficient information on the mining plan.

"We received land acquisition and compensation money because we do not want to live in social divisions and horizontal conflicts. We used to refuse because we were not informed enough of the land acquisition plan," he said.

Of the 22 residents who today handed over the files consist of four hamlets. Namely Dusun Karang, Randuparang, Winong, and Kaliancar.

"Yes, all from the top and bottom areas," he said.

Kepala BPN Purworejo, Andri Kristanto mengungkapkan bahwa polemik lahan kuwari Desa Wadas berangsur tersembang. Satu masing warga yang kontra mulai menyerahkan berkas secara suka berlas.

"Well, thank God this morning in my office there was Mr. Insin Sutrisno who was the head of the earthquake who at that time was not ready to be measured. This morning, starting from the residents of Wadas Village, a total of 34 fields submitted files to be ready to be measured by the Land Office," said Andri Kristanto, Tuesday, December 27.

Of the total new files submitted, it confirms that the remaining land is from the target 617 plots, only 8 plots remain.

"So as we already know, together in Wadas Village, there are 617 areas of our target. So far, 575 fields have been acquired and paid. This means that there are still 42 fields lacking, reduced today there are 34 submissions of files. So the remaining 8 fields are only," he said.

The plan is that next Wednesday, December 28, his party will hold a meeting regarding measurement preparations.

"After this we have to have a meeting first because in the inventory and identification as we do the measurements and calculations of plants, we have to involve the agriculture department. So, the meeting Wednesday plan. We determine the day of the measurement," he continued.

Andri hopes that the remaining 8 land owners can submit files during the measurement.

"We continue to approach. We hope that when the measurement from the owner of the 8 lands can come directly. And, once again we will not force it," he added.

As for the compensation money from the newly measured land, it is estimated that it will be carried out in early January next year.

"But since it's the end of the year, early January at the earliest. And I am confident and optimistic with the help of Pak Insin and all residents with a joint approach to BBWS, hopefully what we hope can be completed," he said.

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