
The South Jakarta Metro Police will again summon the alleged perpetrator of domestic violence (KDRT) RIS against his wife and children, KR and KR. The examination of RIS is getting more intensive after the status of this case turns into an investigation. Especially as a form of his party's seriousness in resolving cases.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary said he summoned the former OVO employee as a form of his seriousness in resolving this case.

"In the near future we will summon the reported person. The plan for summons (next week)," Ade told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, December 22.

Ade said investigators had pocketed video footage showing violence against a child. This makes it easier for us to uncover this case of violence

"We received video evidence describing an incident of violence against a child," he said.

Ade denied that his party would follow up on this domestic violence case after it went viral on social media. According to him, the investigative team needs to conduct counseling, to ensure that the reported incident is classified as child violence.

"We are trying to explore and ascertain whether the incident occurred, physical or psychological violence, we are making efforts to collect facts and evidence. Then a case title is carried out, finally the investigator determines that a criminal event is suspected. Finally, we increase the process into an investigation process," he concluded.

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