
SeMARANG - Semarang City Police have again arrested five perpetrators of the attack on SMKN 3 Semarang students consisting of students and alumni of SMKN 10 Semarang, Central Java.

Kasatreskrim Polrestabes Semarang AKBP Donny Lumbantoruan said the arrests of the five perpetrators were the development of the examination of four SMKN 10 students who were previously arrested.

The five perpetrators of the attack who have been named as suspects, each with the initials LN (17), RPG (18), and SAH (17) who are still registered as students of SMKN 10 Semarang, as well as MAK (22) and KUS (21) who are alumni of the school.

"For the suspect MAK, this is a recidivist of the same case as the victim who died," he said in Semarang, Antara, Wednesday, December 14.

According to Donny, the suspects were charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution and the Emergency Law for possession of sharp weapons.

Meanwhile, after the attack with the use of sharp weapons, the two schools have been reconciled.

Previously, the police arrested four students of SMKN 10 Semarang City who were the perpetrators of the attack using sharp weapons against students of SMKN 3 Semarang City which took place on Thursday, December 8.

The arrest was based on the identification of the perpetrator and the vehicle used through surveillance camera footage or CCTV at the time of the incident.

The four perpetrators who have been arrested are MT (17) a resident of Gisikdrono, West Semarang, SAH (18) a resident of Manyaran, West Semarang, RPG (18) a resident of Candisari, and MGR (18) a resident of Peterongan, Semarang City.

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