
The police arrested three perpetrators of theft of money belonging to an ATM charging service company. A total of Rp. 400 million was stolen by the three when the company named PT Avantage sent money to a number of ATMs in West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan).

"The three perpetrators who are now named as suspects are Af (22), a car driver belonging to PT Avantage, then two colleagues each with the initials E and C," said South Pontianak Police Chief, Kompol Anne Tria Sefyana in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, quoted from Antara, Friday 18 November.

He explained, from the results of the preliminary examination, the three of them committed theft because they wanted to get rich quickly.

Another reason, Anne said, was that the suspects were tempted by the amount of money that Af routinely brought to be sent to a number of ATMs.

The theft occurred on Tuesday, November 15. Initially at around 07.45 WIB, the suspects Af, Vikri and Bripka Eriansyah carried out their duties as usual to fill ATMs to the outside Pontianak City area. They are in a closed box car belonging to PT Avantage.

"But at around 13.30 WIB one of the Avantage officers, Vikri, when he was about to charge at the ATM in the Pinyuh River area, he was surprised because a bag containing Rp50 thousand denominations with a total of Rp400 million had disappeared or not," said Anne.

Vikri immediately reported the incident to his office. The report was forwarded by PT Avantage to the South Pontianak Police.

"Then based on the investigation of the CCTV footage, it was seen that the Avantage officer with the initials Af took out a closed box car from the parking lot, and at the same time entered an Avanza to the Illang Gang," he said.

From these clues, Anne said the police immediately conducted an investigation into Af. After being interrogated, Af finally admitted that he had conspired to help steal a bag containing Rp400 million.

Anne added that based on the results of the interrogation of Af, it was known that the theft was carried out with her colleagues with the initials E and C.

"Currently we have secured evidence, namely two watches and two cellphones and one strand of weapons purchased from the proceeds of crime, as well as Rp194 million in cash," said Anne.

For their actions, the three suspects are suspected of Article 363 of the Criminal Code with the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of seven years.

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