
The former banking official with the initials AM (54) underwent examination as a suspect in corruption in the distribution of people's business credit funds (KUR) in front of the Special Criminal Investigators of the West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office. Spokesperson for the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Efrien Saputra, confirmed the investigation of suspect AM by the investigating prosecutor. "Yes, this is an additional examination because previously it had also been examined before investigators," said Efrien in Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, November 16. Regarding the examination material, Efrien was reluctant to convey it because it was part of the investigator's authority. "What is clear is that he was examined as a suspect accompanied by a lawyer," he said. The examination of AM in the Special Criminal Investigation Room of the NTB Prosecutor's Office. His party brought the suspect AM before investigators at 10.00 WITA. "Just now, at around 18.00 WITA, they were examined. They were immediately taken back to Mataram Prison using a prison car for prosecutors," he said. The attorney for suspect AM, Ilham, confirmed the investigation. There is no other comment from Ilham. He only stated that the examination by the prosecutor would continue. "Yes, (the examination) tomorrow," said Ilham. In this case, investigators entrusted the detention of suspect AM at the Class IIA Mataram Penitentiary, Kuripan, West Lombok Regency, along with the suspect IR, the Treasurer of the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) NTB. As of November 26, 2022, the two suspects have officially served a second period of detention which is valid for 40 days. The basis for extending the suspect's detention period, he said, saw an unfinished investigation in the hands of investigators. One material that is still needed is for the completeness of evidence related to state losses. Efrien said that investigators were still waiting for the results of the audit by the NTB Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP). "So, we have not received the results of the audit. We are still waiting for BPKP," he said. This distribution project first emerged from cooperation between conventional bank PT BNI and PT SMA in distributing KUR funds to farmer communities in Lombok. In the cooperation agreement contained in letter number: Mta/01/PKS/001/2020, PT SMA and PT BNI signed the distribution of KUR funds for farmers in East Lombok and Central Lombok. The number of farmers registered as recipients is 789 people. After signing the cooperation, PT SMA in September 2020 contracted the task of distributing the KUR funds to the CV ABB company which is domiciled in NTB. ABB's CV legality carries out distribution in accordance with the subcontract contained in the letter of appointment number: 004/ADM.KUR-SMA/IX/2020. The existence of CV ABB in this distribution was also revealed because there was a recommendation from HKTI NTB which is now under the leadership of the Deputy Regent of East Lombok Rumaksi. Dalam rangkaian penyidikan, jaksa sudah memeriksa para pihak terkait, di antaranya dari pengurus HKTI NTB, termasuk Wakil Bupati Lombok Timur Rumaksi sebagai ketua. Apart from HKTI, witnesses who have been present before investigators come from PT BNI, a party that facilitates the process of distributing aid in the form of funds. Another witness from CV ABB, a company that provides assistance to recipients from farmer groups in managing the aid funds. For the recipients, investigators have completed an examination with the audit team. The results of the examination are now a provision for the audit team to calculate state losses.

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