
YOGYAKARTA - Saudi Arabian court sentenced Prince Abdullah bin Faisal al Saud to 30 years in prison. The 31-year-old prince must languish in jail after returning from college in the United States (US). There are several facts about Prince Abdullah bin Faisal being arrested.

Prince Abdullah bin Faisal is a member of the Saudi Royal family of the House of Saud. This one prince is a figure who is not too prominent or less popular. He is considered a rival to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

Profile of Prince Abdullah bin Faisal

Prince Abdullah bin Faisal is a graduate student at Northeastern University in Boston, USA. He came from the family of the House of Saud or Banu Saud. This dynasty has a strong influence on the soil of Saudi Arabia.

As a student, he was known as a humble, friendly, and humble person. His friends said he never mentioned himself from the Saudi royal family. He also avoided talking about Saudi Arabian politics. He is a diligent and focused person in his studies and career.

Prince Abdullah was detained by Saudi Arabian authorities on his return to his country in 2022. He returned home on a government-facilitated flight ticket for distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Initially, Saudi courts only gave a prison sentence of 20 years and a travel ban for the next 20 years. However, in August 2022, the sentence was increased to 30 years in prison.

Chronology of the Detention of Prince Abdullah bin Faisal

Prince Abdullah bin Faisal's arrest was first disclosed by the Associated Press (AP) through the latest Saudi court documents they obtained. Prince Abdullah was arrested for being caught discussing the detention of his fellow prince. Conversation he did with his relatives via phone calls while he was in the US.

Meanwhile, Saudi court documents say Prince Abdullah used the Signal app on his smartphone while in the US. He spoke with his mother and several relatives discussing the detention of his fellow princely cousin.

In addition, Prince Abdullah is also accused of using a pay phone while in Boston to chat with lawyers about the detention of his cousin. He is also suspected of transferring Rp. 141 million to pay off his cousin's apartment bill in France.

No one knows how the Saudi government monitors Prince Abdullah's private phone chats while in the US. But in recent years, the Saudis have reportedly resorted to old and new espionage tactics.

Prince Abdullah has been charged with charges similar to those of imprisoned journalists, writers, and advocates. He is accused of carrying out acts to destabilize the Saudi Kingdom, disrupt social unity, and support the kingdom's enemies.

Saudi Government Under MbS Regime

Since MBS was sworn in as crown prince in 2017 and de facto leader, there have been numerous arrests of several Saudi princes. Saudi princes were detained on various charges, such as corruption.

The arrest during the reign of MBS was considered a form of silencing those who rebelled and criticized his family. In fact, for the past five years, there have been many acts of surveillance and intimidation against Saudi citizens in America. This condition has occurred since the Saudi government under MbS.

Prince Abdullah is said to have been the target of the Mbs regime's detention. Prince Abdullah's family are seen as critics who threaten the throne of the MBS family.

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