East Nusa Tenggara Police Chief Inspector General Johanis Asadoma said that of the 20 witnesses who had been examined, some would be named as suspects.
"Of the 20 witnesses who have been examined by the investigative team, one or two people will be named as suspects in the case of the burning of the Cantika Express 77," he said when confirmed in Kupang, Antara, Wednesday, November 2.
This was conveyed in connection with the progress of the investigation process into the case of the burning of the Cantika Express 77 route Kupang - Kalabahi, Alor NTT which resulted in 20 deaths.
He said the 20 witnesses examined consisted of Syahbandar Kupang, crew members, ship captain, vice captain of the ship and head of the engine room (KKM) as well as several passengers.
Until now, the process of disclosing this case is still at the investigation stage and has not yet reached the investigation. “ We will announce it later when there is clarity and there is already a suspect, said the man who is usually called Johny.
Furthermore, he said, the investigation process was carried out in collaboration with a number of parties, such as a team from the NTT Regional Police itself, a team of experts from the Bali Police Laboratory, and a team from Baharkam Police Headquarters.
The Bali Police Labfor Team itself has also conducted TKP processing and has also conducted 20-meter deep dives to investigate the case of the burning of the ship.
The SAR team also as of Wednesday (2/11) had stopped searching for victims of the missing burning ship. To date, there are still 16 victims of the burning ship who were reported missing.
Meanwhile, the Director of General Crimes at the NTT Police, Kombes Pol Patar Silalahi, said that until now his party was still in the process of conducting a case title related to the case.
"Please time for the next process," said Patar, who is also the team leader of the joint investigation into the case of the burning of the Cantika Express 77."
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