
PALU - Polda Central Sulawesi ensures readiness to hold a code of ethics trial against Brigadier D in the case of alleged receipt of gratuities by 18 prospective students (casis) of the second wave of Polri officers in 2022. "Some time ago there was indeed an improvement in the case file, and now it is ready to be tried," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Public Information of the Central Sulawesi Police, Kompol Sugeng Lestari, in Palu, Antara, Tuesday, November 1. He explained that not only was the process of improving the filing that had just been completed, but also the accompanying officials appointed as alleged violators from the Central Sulawesi Regional Police Legal Division were carrying out their duties in Jakarta. "Therefore, the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) for the Professional and Security Sector of the Central Sulawesi Police," said Sugeng, only holding a code of ethics trial against Brigadier D on Tuesday next week. "That's why it took a little time to process it, but now it's ready to be held for the first week of November 2022," he also said. Previously, the Central Sulawesi Regional Police stated that 36 witnesses had been examined by the investigative team, consisting of parents and chassis who had been disqualified. Furthermore, the examination was carried out on Brigadier D police officers who had previously been detained with the status of the examinee, due to alleged violations of Polri ethics, after the confiscation of evidence of two cars and money worth Rp4.4 billion. The Head of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia Representative for Central Sulawesi (ORI Sulteng) Sofyan Farid Lembah highlighted the alleged case of granting gratuities by the second wave of Polri non-commissioned officers at the Central Sulawesi Regional Police, to be further investigated into the criminal realm. He revealed that one of the indications of other people's involvement in the alleged granting of gratuities was the status of Brigadier D, who only became a special health committee, not a comprehensive committee structure to conduct a selection and determine the graduation of the police officer chassis at the local Police. "Our allegation is that this is a syndicate, so there must be an investigation and investigate who is behind it, because if it is carefully studied it is impossible that the Rp4.4 billion money is only for a Brigadier D," said Sofyan.

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