
PONTIANAK - The Sowing Team of the Attorney General's Office and the West Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office arrested a fugitive with the initials EEM in connection with a corruption case in the construction of teacher and student dormitories and sports facilities at SMPN 2 Sajingan School, Sajingan District, Sambas Regency in the 2018 fiscal year.

"Due to the suspect's actions, the state has suffered a loss of IDR 117 million from the total budget for the construction of a dormitory for teachers and students of SMPN 2 Sajingan of IDR 655 million," said the Head of the West Kalimantan Attorney General's Office, Masyhudi, in Pontianak, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 26.

The suspect was arrested, Tuesday, October 25 at around 09.40 WIB, at a boarding house located on Mangga Besar Street, Jakarta.

"Today, we have entrusted the suspect to the Sambas District Attorney's Office to account for his actions," he said.

He explained that this case began with the suspect EEM bin MS, suspected of having committed a criminal act of corruption in the construction of student and teacher dormitories and sports facilities at SMPN 2 Sajingan School, Sajingan District, Sambas Regency in 2018.

EEM was named a suspect based on Special Sprint No:10/O.1.17/Fd.1/05/2021 dated May 24 2021 with a state loss of IDR 117 million based on the audit results of the Calculation of State Financial Losses (PKKN) from the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) Representative of West Kalimantan Province.

The executor of the activity is CV Setara Bangun Kontruksi which was carried out by the suspect EEM with a 2018 budget of IDR 655 million, which was sourced from the State Budget (APBN), precisely at the Directorate General of Development of Disadvantaged Regions, Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia.

The suspect EEM was arrested because when he was called as a suspect, he did not come to fulfill the summons three times properly, and therefore the suspect was included in the DPO.

The West Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office appeals and invites the role of the community to help inform if they know the whereabouts of fugitives who have not been caught to convey information or report to the West Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office.

"This arrest will have a psychological effect on other fugitives, while those who have not been caught are only a matter of time because there is no safe place for fugitive criminals or DPOs," he said.

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