JAKARTA - The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) has ensured that it will oversee cyber protection from the start even though the G20 Summit in Bali which ends on November 16.
BSSN Spokesperson Ariandi Putra emphasized that even though the G20 Summit would be completed, BSSN would still carry out security by conducting further identification.
"This is a step that we continue to take so that the ideal situation for G20 cybersecurity can actually be realized and carried out properly", said Ariandi Putra, at the G20 Update press conference with the theme "G20 Summit Cybersecurity", quoted from the YouTube channel @FMB9ID_IKP, Tuesday, October 25.
BSSN will ensure whether or not there are cybersecurity vulnerabilities after the G20 Bali Summit is over. Ariandi said that at that time his party was also mapping the potential threats of data disclosure.
While the final step, he said, BSSN will carry out digital forensics and response to the cave incident to keep the digital space in Indonesia safe and comfortable.
3 Cybersecurity Period for the Bali G20 Summit
Meanwhile, BSSN carried out comprehensive security for the G20 Bali Summit in three periods, starting from before, during implementation, to post-event.
"We have divided three clusters of cyber security support for the G20 Summit. Both before the event, during the event, and after the event. We do this to maximize and see the ideal situation related to cyber security that we want to do during the main event on 15-16 November", Ariandi said, according to Antara.
Cyber security is also carried out by the Police, Indonesian Army (TNI), and Ministry of Communication and Informatics. However, Ariandi admitted that BSSN acts as a sector leader and is tasked with collaborating with several cyber security plans.
In the ongoing period, namely before the G20 Summit, BSSN routinely audits the information security management system.
In addition, BSSN also measures the maturity level of cybersecurity ahead of the G20 Summit.
"We are also monitoring traffic anomalies and mapping potential cyber threats that BSSN continues to convey through the National Security Operation Center (NSOC)", said Ariandi.
Furthermore, entering security on the day of the Bali G20 Summit, BSSN added security.
Ariandi said, during this period his party will continue to monitor information traffic during the event along with incident information.
Then, signal security in terms of telecommunication services, internet, and power for devices connected to cyber services is also prepared by BSSN.
Not to forget, BSSN will also carry out digital forensics to minimize the occurrence of cyber crimes and also ensure a conducive response to incidents.
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