
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) auctioned off six assets belonging to three convicted corruption cases. Five of the assets are land owned by Melia Boentaran and Handoko Setiono.

"KPK together and through the Dumai State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) will carry out an auction of immovable booty through the Closed Bidding method based on a court decision that has permanent legal force", said KPK Spokesperson, Ipi Maryati, to reporters, Tuesday, October 25.

The following is the land auctioned by the KPK:

1. Land with an area of ​​44,077 m2 located in the Village of Bad Bakul, District of Bukit Batu, Bengkalis Regency by the Statement of Compensation No. 037/SPGK/BB/VI/2014 dated 23-06-2014. The limit price reaches IDR 615,177,000 and a security deposit of IDR 150,000,000. The land is not accompanied by proof of ownership.

2. Land with an area of ​​24,342 m2 which is located in the Village of Bad Bakul, District of Bukit Batu, Bengkalis Regency by the Statement of Compensation No. 038/SPGK/BB/VI/2014 dated 23-06-2014. The price limit is IDR 343,289,000 and the security deposit is IDR 80 million.

3. Land with an area of ​​52,676 m2 located in the Village of Bad Bakul, District of Bukit Batu, Bengkalis Regency by the Statement of Compensation No. 036/SPGK/BB/VI/2014 dated 06-23-2014. The price limit reaches IDR 727,507,000 and a security deposit of IDR 200 million

4. Land with an area of ​​14,590 m2 located in Bad Bakul Village, Kec. Bukit Batu, Kab. Bengkalis belongs to Melia Boentaran, according to the Land Book No. 13, Riau, Bengkalis Regency, Bukit Batu District, Bad Baku Village/El. Price limit of IDR 381.131,000 and security deposit of IDR 90 million

5. Land with an area of ​​20,000 m2 located in the village of Bad Bakul, Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency, belongs to Handoko Setiono, by the Land Rights Book No. 14 of Riau Province, Bengkalis Regency, Bukit Batu District, Bad Bakul Village/Kelurahan. The price limit is IDR 259,102,000 and a security deposit of IDR 60 million.

In addition, the KPK also auctioned 1 land and building belonging to the convict Umar Ritonga. The building is on a land area of 440 square meters.

The assets are located in RT 02, RK 02, Tumang Village, Siak District, Siak Regency, Riau Province. Umar bought the land from a man named Mad Kurdi alias Ramane.

"Equipped with a Certificate of Ownership of Land Ownership in the name of Mad Kurdi", said Ipi.

Assets are auctioned with a limit price of IDR 13,210,000. People who want to take part in the auction are required to prepare a security deposit of IDR 5,000,000.

Ipi said the auction will be held on Tuesday, November 22. The public can follow it by accessing the website

After being declared the winner, the payment is carried out for a maximum of five working days. The buyer is obliged to prepare a fee of two percent of the price of the goods for administration.

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