
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko is optimistic that the construction of Lantagi Airport, in Kulisusu District, North Buton, Southeast Sulawesi, will bring great economic growth for the local community.

The reason, according to Moeldoko, the existence of the airport will contribute to the ease of access to the distribution of goods and the mobility of people.

“Airports breed growth. Previously, people were hesitant to come to North Buton because of the long distance by sea. Hopefully, after air transportation is available, more people will come to visit North Buton", said Moeldoko when inspecting the location of Lantagi Airport, Tuesday, October 18.

“Secondly, the distribution of goods. Previously superior commodities such as crabs and cashew nuts were sold here at low prices, when they are shifted to other places their value increases. What is here in abundance if thrown elsewhere will be a blessing. If the market is only here, the value of this commodity will not increase", he added in a written statement received by VOI.

Furthermore, the Presidential Chief of Staff also said that the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) would oversee the Lantagi Airport development process by encouraging relevant Ministries/Institutions to accelerate.

For information, the North Buton Regency Government has provided an initial area of 60 hectares. The Regency Government has also completed administrative requirements such as an Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) for 100 hectares of land.

The Head of the Butur Transportation Service, Tayeb, S.IP, reported to Moeldoko that the airport feasibility study facility had also been prepared. The local government has also prepared a budget for the land acquisition process to be carried out next year.

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