
West Sumatra - Residents of Gadiah Agiak, Nagari Tiku Lima Jorong, Tanjungmutiara Sub-district were flooded due to the overflow of the Batang Masang River, Agam Regency, West Sumatra.

The Head of Agam BPBD, Bambang Warsito, said that his party had deployed a task force along with one fiber boat to evacuate Gadiah Agiak residents who were affected by the flood.

"I deployed four members of a task force led by the Head of Emergency and Logistics of BPBD Agam along with a fiber boat on Monday (17 October) afternoon," said Bambang in Lubukbasung, Monday 18 October.

He said the task force and the boat were still in Gadih Angik, Nagari Tiku Lima, Jorong until the evening of Monday, October 17.

The boat was deployed to evacuate residents affected by the flood that overflowed the Batang Masang River. This is a form of anticipation carried out by the local BPBD to help residents.

"We are on standby or ready at that location and if residents need help, they will respond immediately," he said.

He admitted that the Task Force and the boat were at the location depending on the situation. If the situation is safe, the task force will immediately shift.

However, his party is always on standby in conditions of high rainfall that hit the area.

"If a disaster report is received, the Task Force will immediately follow up on it," he said.

One of the residents of Gadih Angiak, Fitri said that the Batang Masang River has overflowed since the afternoon of Sunday, October 16, thus reminiscing about the people's yard and palm oil plantations.

"The water has overflowed since Sunday (October 16) afternoon and the water began to flood the yard on Monday (October 17) morning. If it is like this, the water will be higher," she said.

She said the condition of the river water was parallel to the surface of the land or the land where the house was built.

In the river location, she added, many estuarine crocodiles and kitchen houses are inhabited by the river. As a result, she and her child were worried about being attacked by crocodiles while in the yard of the house.

"Usually crocodiles swim in rivers and with large river water conditions, I forbid children to play outside the house," she said.

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