DENPASAR - The perpetrator of the mugging and molestation I Made Somi alias Dek Mi was arrested by the Denpasar Police. The perpetrator snatched a British tourist with the initials CMP (20).
Denpasar Police Chief Commissioner Bambang Yugo Pamungkas said the perpetrator, using the motorcycle taxi driver mode, also molested the victim.
"The perpetrator committed the crime of theft with violence and or sexual violence or obscene acts against the victim of a foreign national, namely from the UK", said Commissioner Bambang, Monday, October 17.
The perpetrator is a recidivist who snatched it twice. The perpetrator just got out of Kerobokan Prison, Denpasar about 3 months ago.
British Caucasians explained by the police, originally wanted to go to entertainment venues in Kuta.
While walking from the hotel, the victim met the perpetrator who offered to take the victim for IDR 15,000.
However, the perpetrators changed the direction of the road. Perpetrators on the trip tried to snatch a British tourist's cell phone.
The victim asked to be taken down, but the perpetrator kept stepping on the gas until he stopped at Sri Kresna Street, Legian, Kuta.
In a quiet location, the perpetrator molested the victim. The perpetrator also took the victim's gold necklace.
"The victim himself is in an outpatient condition, yesterday the post-mortem was carried out and there were several injuries", said Bambang.
From the investigation, the police arrested the perpetrator at the Gunung Agung Street Gang Indus boarding house, Denpasar. During the development to find evidence, the perpetrator tried to escape and was shot by the police.
The gold necklace belonging to a British student was pawned by the perpetrator to a person with the initials KO worth IDR 500 thousand. KO is now in search.
"This perpetrator is a wild motorcycle taxi, so he is not involved in online motorcycle taxis or anything. The perpetrator is already married and has been a recidivist twice for mugging and was arrested by the Kuta Police. He just came out and continued playing (in action) again", said Bambang.
Meanwhile, the perpetrator I Made Somi admitted that he regrets snatching and molesting British Caucasians who were traveling in Bali.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am guilty and apologize profusely for my actions and disturbing. I am very sorry", he said.
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