
KALSEL - Traffic flow on the Trans Kalimantan route has been diverted to an alternative route in Bungin-Batute Village due to the repair of the main bridge in Paringin, Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan. "Malam nanti akan kita cor satu bagian, sementara yang lainnya akan kita cor setelah bagian sebelahnya selesai," kata Pejabat Pembuat Komitifikasi Balai Pelaksana Jalan Nasional (BPJN) Wilayah Kalimantan Selatan (Kalsel) Dwi Wahyono di Paringin, Antara, Selasa, 11 Oktober. According to him, the casting and drying took approximately six days, namely one day of casting and five days of drying. Kasatlantas Polres Balangan AKP Imam Suryana explained that for traffic flow regulation, specifically for two wheels, it is still allowed to cross the bridge alternately. The four-wheeled special from the direction of Tanjung was diverted to an alternative route through Bungin Village which penetrated the former Batu Tenggak big tire. Meanwhile, from the direction of Banjarmasin, it was diverted to Jalan Muara Pitap (the intersection of four Al-Akbar Mosques) and then penetrated the Paringin Roundabout. "Especially for the six-wheeler and above from the direction of Tanjung, it was diverted to Jalan Lampihong to penetrate Batumandi, and vice versa," explained Imam. As for the construction of the bridge and the diversion of traffic flow, it is also the result of a joint agreement from Commission III of the Balangan DPRD through Erly Satriana and local governments through the PUPR, the Transportation Service and the Civil Service Police Unit. Meanwhile, several years ago the repair of the Paringin Bridge was one of the projects handled by the BPJN for the South Kalimantan Region along with 22 other projects. The total budget reached Rp. 8 billion, while specifically for the Paringin Bridge it was around Rp. 3 billion.

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