
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko invites big companies to participate in increasing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) classes. He reminded that currently President Joko Widodo is focusing two things related to the development of MSMEs. Namely, MSMEs are promoted to class and MSMEs are entering the digital world.

As an implementation, he said, the government has provided support from various aspects, from upstream to downstream. Such as capital, ease of licensing, to marketing and partnerships.

"This program will certainly be more massive and quickly realized if big companies are also involved," said Moeldoko when receiving the arrival of the Eka Tjipta Foundation (ETF), at the Bina Graha building in Jakarta, Wednesday, October 5.

In addition to MSMEs, according to the 2013-2015 TNI Commander, the government is also encouraging a vocational or vocational program to prepare superior generations in 2045. Namely, by revitalizing Vocational High Schools (SMK), both in terms of quality and competence as well as school facilities and infrastructure.

Currently, the world is vocational. Therefore, now we must start preparing school graduates who are linked and match with industry or the world of work," explained Moeldoko.

Meanwhile, General Chairperson Eka Tijpta Foundation Hong Tjhin said that his party had carried out various activities in line with government programs, namely related to the development of MSMEs and the development of human resources.

He said, in the context of 100 years by Eka Tijpta, ETF has collaborated with the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs to help MSMEs advance to class by carrying out digital transformation. We have launched MSME Connect. This is the media to improve MSME classes via digital, explained Hong Tjin.

As for the development of human resources, said Hong Tjin, the Eka Tjipta Foundation has also revitalized SMK in several areas, through digital training for teachers and students.

From 18 vocational schools, 13 vocational schools have been running. We provide training on content creators and programming. So the revitalization that we do is not physical, but the quality of the self-esteem," continued Hong Tjin.

For information, the arrival of the Eka Tjipta Foundation at the Presidential Staff Office met with Dr. Moeldoko to apply for cooperation in assisting the implementation of government programs. For example, the development and improvement of MSMEs, vocational education, and the reduction in stunting rates.

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