
JAKARTA - Head of the COVID-19 Emergency Hospital Secretariat Wisma Atlet, Marine Colonel RM Tjahja Nurrobi said that currently there is an independent isolation flat tower that is being converted into a symptomatic patient care tower.

"The Coordinator of the Wisma Atlet Hospital ordered the ranks of the Wisma Atlet Hospital to convert tower 4, which is usually used for independent isolation, to be used as a treatment tower," said Nurrobi at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Monday, November 30.

That way, currently the COVID-19 patient care tower has mild symptoms and is in three towers, namely towers 4, 6, and 7. Meanwhile, the self-isolation flat for patients without symptoms leaves one tower, namely tower 5.

The reason why one of the Wisma Atlet isolation towers has been converted is because there has been a spike in COVID-19 cases in the last few days. In fact, the number of cases reached a new record, namely 6,267 on Sunday, November 29.

Meanwhile, to anticipate the full capacity of patients, Nurrobi said that the DKI Provincial Government will return to open several hotels and guesthouses to become independent isolation places for the asymptomatic COVID-19 (OTG) patient.

"We are still assisted by the existence of Pademangan Athletes' House, then there are also several hotels in DKI appointed by the DKI Provincial Government and they have added several inns," he said.

This morning, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) highlighted the increasing number of active cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. This made President Jokowi look upset and said the situation for the spread of COVID-19 was getting worse.

"This is all getting worse," said Jokowi in his introduction to the limited meeting with the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery.

He explained, from the data he received on Sunday, November 29, there was an increase in active cases from 12.78 percent to 13.41 percent.

"Although this figure is better than the world figure, but be careful. It is higher than last week," he stressed.

As for the recovery rate, the data it received also decreased. "Last week it was 84.03 percent, now it's 83.44 percent," he said.

He suspects this is due to an increase in COVID-19 cases that have occurred during the past week. "This is because of this, the cases that have increased more in the last week," he said.

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