
JAKARTA Dozens of semi-permanent houses on Jalan Cikini Kramat, RT 004 and 015 RW 01, Pegangsaan Village, Menteng, Central Jakarta. One person was reported to have suffered serious burns.

Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Asril Rizal, confirmed that one resident had burns due to the fire incident in Cikini.

"Yes, that's right, one resident suffered burns. The victim was named Daniel (45)," said Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Asril Rizal when confirmed, Tuesday, September 27.

Asril further said that the victim was a chicken porridge trader.

"The burn victims reached 50 percent," he said.

Previously, it was reported that dozens of semi-permanent houses on Jalan Cikini Kramat, RT 004 and 015 RW 01, Pegangsaan Village, Menteng, Central Jakarta, were engulfed in flames, Tuesday, September 21.

The blaze is estimated to have occurred around 04.35 WIB. According to information gathered, the fire was caused by a gas stove in a porridge production stall at the scene.

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