
JAKARTA - The National Police's Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) has imposed a 3 year demotion sanction against former Head of Sub-Directorate I Unit I of the South Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim Ipda Arsyad Daiva Gunawan for being unprofessional in the case of Brigadier J.

"Administrative sanctions in the form of mutations are demotional for 3 years since being transferred to the Yanma Polri," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Nurul Azizah to reporters, Tuesday, September 27.

Ipda Arsyad was proven to have violated Article 13 Paragraph 1 letter and/or Article 5 Paragraph 1 letter C and/or Article 10 Paragraph 1 letter D and/or Article 10 Ayar 2 letter H Perpol Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Code of Professional Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission.

In addition, the son of a member of the DPR Heri Gunawan is required to take part in mental development of personality, psychiatry, religion and professional knowledge for one month.

"Violators must also apologize directly before the KKEP session and or in writing to the leadership of the Police and the disadvantaged party," said Nurul.

In the process of the KKEP trial, dozens of members of the National Police have been tried. They include Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Kompol Chuck Putranto, Kompol Baiquni Wibowo, and Kombes Agus Nur Patria.

Then, AKP Dyah Chandrawati, AKBP Pujiyarto, AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian, Bharada Sadam, and Brigadier Frilliyan.

Then, Brigadier Firman Dwi Ariyanto, Brigadier Sigid Mukti Hanggono, AKP Idham Fadilah, and Iptu Hardista Pramana Tampubolon.

They have been found guilty. The sanctions given range from demotion mutations to dishonorable dismissal.

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