
JAKARTA - The deadly brawl between two groups of teenagers again occurred on Jalan Basuki Rahmat, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta. As a result of the brawl, a 17-year-old teenager died after being stabbed with sharp weapons by the opposing group.

The victim was identified with the initials MH (17). He died after sustaining severe stab wounds to his back and armpits.

According to Suharjo, residents around the location of the incident, the brawl occurred in a short time of about 5 minutes. The brawl is carried out by teenagers who are equipped with sharp weapons and blunt objects.

"It happened at night. My position was sleeping, knowing the information in the morning. Last night there was a brawl for less than 2 minutes. One victim was taken to the hospital," Suharjo told reporters, Tuesday, September 20.

Residents claimed to be restless and afraid of being targeted by the teenage brawl. Residents are also worried that the brawl will happen again and take lives.

"Brats happen very quickly. Brawls are rare here, sometimes only. Sometimes they are afraid of brawls," he said.

Suharjo asked the police to carry out routine patrols and guard during the fighting-prone hours.

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