
JAKARTA - Proses sidang Komisi Kode Etik Polri (KKEP) dengan dugaan pelanggaran eksek Kasubnit I Unit I Satreskrim Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan, Ipda Arsyad Daiva Gunawan, ditetapkan ditunda. Kemudian terungkap, peran anggota Korps Bhayangkara ini adalah tidak profesional ketika berada di lokasi penembakan Brigadier J atau rumah dinas Irjen Ferdy Sambo di Duren Tiga.

"He is not professional at the crime scene," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, Saturday, September 17.

However, it was not clearly explained the form of unprofessionalism from Ipda Arsyad Daiva Gunawan. It is suspected that his actions that were deemed to have violated Police ethics were related to the process of investigating the crime scene (TKP).

Until now, Dedi only said that the first officer of the National Police was one of the parties who first came to the location of the shooting incident.

"He came to the crime scene for the first time," said Dedi.

Meanwhile, the KKEP trial against Ipda Arsyad Daiva Gunawan was postponed until next week. The reason is that the key witness to the trial, AKBP Arif Rachman Arifin, was unable to attend the KKEP trial due to illness.

Ipda Arsyad Daiva Gunawan is an alleged violator who is in the non-obstruction of justice category. He is suspected of violating Article 13 paragraph 1 of PP number 1 of 2003 concerning the dismissal of members of the National Police in conjunction with Article 5 paragraph 1 letter C Article 10 Paragraph 1 letter d.

Then, Article 10 paragraph 2 letter h of Perpol Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission.

So far, six police officers have entered the non-obstruction of justice category and have undergone a KKEP trial.

They include AKP Dyah Chandrawati, AKBP Pujiyarto, AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian, Bharada Sadam, Brigadier Frilliyan, and Brigadier Firman Dwi Ariyanto.

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