
JAKARTA - Head of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Komjen Boy Rafli Amar said Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) were vulnerable to terrorism.

"Always be alert from the influence of the ideology of terrorism," said Komjen Boy Rafli Amar when meeting with 13,886 Indonesian citizens in San Francisco, United States, in a written statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 14.

According to Boy Rafli, PMIs are vulnerable to being exposed to terrorism because they lack knowledge about the dangers of radical terrorism. It is proven that in a number of places such as Singapore and Hong Kong there are migrant workers exposed to terrorism.

"There are also those involved in planning the suicide bombing," said Boy Rafli as quoted by Antara.

The distribution of migrant workers is also due to the existence of Indonesian Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) including in the conflict zone of Iraq andelago. The group spreads the notion of terrorism in various ways, such as through social media.

This terrorist group often uses religious narratives as a basis for intolerance, exclusive to even violence.

With the amount of data regarding PMI's involvement in terrorism abroad, Boy appealed to 13,886 Indonesian citizens in the work area of the Indonesian Consulate General in San Francisco to be more vigilant.

"Avoid all forms of radical threats of terrorism and terrorism financing," he said.

BNPT RI's working visit to the Indonesian Consulate General in San Francisco was one of the work agendas in the United States. Previously, Boy Rafli led the Indonesian delegation in The First United Nations Global Congress of Victims of Terrorism at the New York UN Headquarters on September 8-9, 2022.

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