
JAKARTA - Head of the Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that there was an increase in traffic volume during the transitional PSBB period by 13.4 percent from the strict implementation of the second PSBB volume.

When the transitional PSBB was re-implemented, the DKI Pemprov had not implemented odd-even. That is why there is an increase in traffic volume on the main roads of the Capital City.

"The comparison, from the second PSBB yesterday to the current transitional PSBB, for traffic volume, there is an increase of 13.4 percent. The average increase is at 3 monitoring points in our evaluation," said Syafrin at the DPRD DKI building, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, November 25th.

There has also been an increase in passenger volume on public transport. The volume of Transjakarta, MRT, LRT, and KRL passengers reaches 29 percent. Then, the volume of intercity and inter-province bus passengers (AKAP) increased by 32.6 percent.

Even though the traffic volume is increasing, Syafrin revealed the reason for the DKI Provincial Government not to reimpose the odd-even system which is able to reduce traffic volume.

According to Syafrin, considering the odd-even application in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the assessment is not just the volume of traffic. However, there are many other aspects that must be considered.

"We are also evaluating the number of positive cases in Jakarta so that the policy will be comprehensive," said Syafrin.

"And we know the data is still fluctuating. Based on that assessment, we have not applied odd-even when the extension of the transitional PSBB period," he continued.

Previously, the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya emphasized that the restrictions on odd-even plate number-based vehicles in line with the extension of the transitional PSBB period in DKI Jakarta were again eliminated. This decision was made to reduce the spread of COVID-19, especially the public transport cluster.

"We are still preventing the spread of COVID-19, especially clusters in public transport," said Head of Sub-Directorate of Gakkum, Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Fahri Siregar told reporters, Monday, November 23.

This is because the application of odd-even in times of a pandemic is considered to increase the potential for transmission. When this policy is in effect, it is possible that the community will run using public transportation.

This odd-even removal also refers to a decision by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) to extend the transitional Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) period by two weeks.

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