
JAKARTA - The journey of a number of southern Java railways experienced delays due to the Blitar-Kiaracondong connection train being hit by a truck at KM 363+6/7 plots of roads between Jeruklegi-Kawunganten, said Public Relations Manager of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Operational Area 5 Purwokerto Krisbiyantoro.

"Based on a report from the Railway Facilities Officer (ASP) that the Kahuripan (PLB 283B) connection from Blitar-Kiaracondong Station had been hit by a truck at a level crossing this morning, at 00.50 WIB," said Krisbiyantoro, Tuesday, September 13.

The incident occurred, he continued, because the crossing officers failed to close the crossing gate when the Blitar-Kiaracondong connection train was about to pass, so the accident could not be avoided.

As a result of the incident, he said, the condition of the truck that hit the Kahuripan train was caught under the front of the locomotive, causing the locomotive to be immovable.

Therefore, he continued, the driver immediately took quick action by coordinating with the Daop 5 Purwokerto Train Operations Control Center (Pusdalopka) to ask for a replacement for locomotives and truck evacuations.

Although there were no casualties, he said the incident resulted in a number of trains being delayed and causing material losses.

"We, PT KAI (Persero) apologize profusely for the delays that occurred to all train customers who were affected," he said.

Based on information from Pusdalopka Daop 5 Purwokerto on Tuesday (13/9) at 06.30 WIB, several train trips that experienced delays included the Blitar-Kiaracondong connection train being held at Gandrungmangun Station at 340 minutes slow.

Furthermore, the South Mutiara train connects Kiaracondong-Surabaya Gubeng position at Kroya Station was slow 288 minutes, the Turangga train with the Surabaya Gubeng-Bandung relation was at Cipari Station at 292 minutes slow, South Parcel train at Sidareja Station was at 221 minutes slow.

Then, the South Kutojaya train relations Kiaracondong-Kutoarjo position at Gandrungmangun Station was slow 234 minutes, the Malabar train relations Malang-Kiaracondong position at Lebeng Station was 237 minutes slow, the South Mutiara train with the Surabaya Gubeng-Kiaracondong relation was in position at Jeruklegi Station at 207 minutes slow.

KA Kahuripan hubungan hubungan Kiaracondong-Blitar posisi di Stasiun Sidareja lambat 156 menit, KA Parcel Selatan posisi di Stasiun Maos lambat 150 menit, dan KA Serayu relasi Pasarsenen-Kiaracondong-Kroya-Purwokerto posisi di Stasiun Cipari lambat 72 menit.

"From this incident, we deeply regret that the truck driver did not stop for a moment to ensure that no train would pass at the crossing," said Krisbiyantoro.

He said road users should be more careful when they are going to pass through a level of crossing, both maintained and not maintained, for mutual safety.

In addition, he said, people who use roads must obey the signs that exist and are installed on the side of the road before approaching a level crossing.

"Traffic accidents at a level other than causing damage to locomotive facilities are also a big loss in terms of time. KA customers are greatly disadvantaged because they will hinder all planned activities," he said.

Regarding the incident, Krisbiyantoro said PT KAI (Persero) also distributed service recovery in the form of food and drinks to all train customers who were affected by the delay.

On a separate occasion, the Head of the Public Relations Section of the Cilacap Police, Inspector of Police One Gatot Tri Hananto, said that the accident that occurred at the railroad crossing with a manual door, Kawunganten Lor Village, Kawunganten District, Cilacap Regency was experienced by a truck carrying fertilizer from Kalijeruk Village, Kawunganten District, driven by MS (46), a resident of Tritiah Kulon Village, Jeruklegi District, Cilacap.

"The truck wants to deliver fertilizer from Kalijeruk to Klaten," he said.

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