
BANDA ACEH - Police officers who were injured while securing the action of UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh students at the Aceh DPR building increased to five people.

"From this action, it is known that five police officers suffered injuries to the face, legs and hands that were bleeding," said Banda Aceh Police Chief Kombes Joko Krisdiyanto as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 7.

According to Joko, the security officers were injured as a result of being hit by stones thrown by the crowd who were carrying out the action, so medical treatment was necessary.

Previously, it was reported that three police personnel were injured while securing the student action related to the rejection of the fuel price hike at the Aceh DPR building. Then, after the demonstration, it was reported back to five people.

Joko said that the student action was peaceful at first, and they forced their way in by pushing the gate which was guarded by officers.

Because they were not allowed to enter, the students then threw stones at the council building targeting the security forces, resulting in a number of police from the Banda Aceh Police being injured and bleeding.

"Students did not receive directions from only 10 people who entered, so they carried out a series of riots that caused the DPRA gate to collapse," he said.

After that, the students started throwing stones at the officers, so eventually, they sprayed water through a fleet of water cannons at the demonstrators, and tried to disperse the crowd by releasing tear gas.

“At that time, the masses continued to throw stones that had been prepared in their alma mater's pocket. Then the plainclothes police chased the students," he said.

Then, continued Joko, the mass from UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh also burned six flower boards and damaged 28 other flower boards belonging to the Florist forum.

"In addition to destroying state facilities and public facilities, they also damaged and burned other people's belongings during the action," said the Chief of Police.


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