
JAKARTA - Two inmates at Class I prison in Semarang, Central Java, committed suicide in just the last two weeks.

The Head of the Correctional Division of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Central Java, Supriyanto, confirmed the two unfortunate events that occurred in the last two weeks.

The first suicide occurred on August 27, 2022, and happened to a prisoner named Sriyadi.

The convict in the murder case was found dead in one of the prison bathrooms.

The second incident occurred on Tuesday morning by a prisoner named Aditya Wahyu Wijayanto (33).

The prisoner in the embezzlement case who was sentenced to one year and two months was also found dead in one of the prison bathrooms.

According to Supriyanto, from the results of the examination conducted by the Semarang Police Inafis team at both incidents, there were no signs of violence.

He said that it was not yet known why the inmates were desperate to end their lives.

"The block mate of the late Aditya also did not hear any complaints from the deceased", he said, Tuesday, September 6, quoted from Antara.

His party will examine if there are allegations of negligence by officers in carrying out their duties.

He added that efforts to strengthen the personality and independence of the inmates have also been made to prevent such things from happening.

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