
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs stated that all regions in Indonesia were again entering into the implementation of Level 1 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"The results of the PPKM assessment this time and based on the considerations of experts are still determined that all regions in Indonesia are at Level 1," said Director General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs Safrizal ZA, Tuesday, September 6.

Although the situation is getting better day by day, the PPKM in the Java-Bali and outside Java-Bali regions has been extended again.

The rules for extending the PPKM are regulated in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) Number 42 of 2022 for Java Bali, and Inmendagri Number 43 of 2022 for Outside Java and Bali.

The two Inmendagri are valid until October 3, 2022.

Safrizal explained that the implementation of the Inmendagri was substantially not much different from the previous Inmendagri implementation, where based on input from experts, all regions in Indonesia had PPKM Level 1 status, although the positive level was still above the WHO standard.

"All regions in Indonesia are at level 1. However, we must continue to be vigilant because until now our 'positivity rate' for the past 30 days is still above the normal standard set by WHO, which is 5 percent," he said.

Adjustments in PPKM regulations, especially for outside Java-Bali, can be seen in the adjustment of PPLN entrances which are adjusted to the COVID-19 Task Force SE Addendum Number 25 of 2022 concerning health protocols for overseas travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He emphasized that local governments must continue to collaborate to increase the level of advanced dose vaccination with the latest regulation that travelers using public transportation (trains and planes) are provided with booster vaccines.

"Every opportunity, we constantly emphasize the importance of accelerating the booster dose vaccine, which nationally is still below 30 percent. We continue to urge regional heads to synergize with all parties, campaigning for vaccinations again, especially for follow-up doses in community centers," he said.

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