
JAKARTA - Deputy General Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH. Marsudi Syuhud assessed that the implementation of the Religion of Twenty (R20) forum was relevant in overcoming religious problems in the world today.

According to Kiai Marsudi, the problems of world religions, both inter-religious and co-religious problems, are still evident in this life that R20 is relevant to overcome these problems through a meeting between the leaders of world religions who will discuss ways to make religion a solution to the problem.

"Some people see religion as a problem. To answer that, this event is relevant because it tries to find a way out through the leaders of world religions so that religion becomes the solution to problems," he said while attending the first R20 meeting in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 5th.

Kiai Marsudi conveyed an example of religious problems in the world today, namely the phenomenon of Islamophobia which still occurs in several developed countries. In addition, he added, there are also inter-religious conflicts, such as those in India, Africa, and Myanmar. This problem, according to Kiai Marsudi, needs to be addressed in a unique way, such as through the Medina Charter.

"This is what the Messenger of Allah did when he founded the state of Medina, although in it there are various religions, such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and non-celestial religions namely Magian, (the population) can live in harmony because they are united through the Medina Charter. Waman lakhiqo bihim faceada ma'ahum, innahum ummatun waahidah, whoever has agreed to live together and fight together, then they are one nation," he explained, as quoted from a written statement.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, KH Yahya Kholil Staquf, hopes that socio-religious organizations that are members of the MUI can participate in the R20.

The first R20 meeting was also attended by several representatives of embassies of G20 member countries and leaders of institutions and community organizations in Jakarta.

R20 is one of the activities in the series of NU Centenary commemorations. The implementation of the R20 aims to build discussions between world religious leaders so that religion can be a solution to various problems.

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