
JAKARTA - The KPK wants to visit the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Provincial Government to be careful in providing a 65-hectare land asset management contract at the Gili Trawangan tourist destination, so as not to harm the state.

"We are assisting the NTB Provincial Government to settle contracts with third parties, so hopefully it won't be a problem with its third party. But how are the values of the agreement carried out fair and not detrimental to the state," said Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron at the Graha Bhakti Praja building. NTB Governor's Office in Mataram, Thursday 2 September quoted from Antara.

The KPK will oversee and check the land asset management process in Gili Trawangan, so that it can run "clear and clean". Especially, related to the commitment of a work contract between the NTB Provincial Government and third parties and land preparation.

"Our plan is tomorrow (Friday) to go down and see firsthand the handover process between the manager and the NTB Provincial Government," he said.

Asked whether the KPK provided advice or input regarding the contents of the contract agreement between the NTB Provincial Government and third parties. Ghufron emphasized that the lembag was not included in the realm or a cooperation agreement with third parties. The role of the KPK is how the cooperation process can be carried out professionally and the value according to market prices.

"This means that there is no harm to provincial income," said Ghufron.

The KPK also does not have a price standard related to land assets contracts belonging to the NTB Provincial Government in Gili Trawangan.

"So, the KPK does not have a standard market price. How can it be rented per hectare?. How much per year is there no standard, but if the mechanism is carried out openly, starting from the heart, the competition has a rental to a third party. Third, they are given the opportunity to announce it. open. For what purpose, yes, to volunteer for that then it is competition that results in market prices rising," he said.

Meanwhile, the Governor of NTB, Zulkieflimansyah, hopes that the issue of the provincial land cooperation contract can be resolved as soon as possible.

"One of the most extraordinary, the KPK accompanied us "day to day" to solve the Gili Trawangan problem, because according to the initial analysis of the KPK there was a potential for trillions of rupiah in state losses due to the not optimal use of these assets," he said.

For this reason, the governor continued, the presence of the KPK provides assistance and support to resolve what seems impossible.

"Hopefully today, the Gili Trawangan issue will be resolved in 1-2 days," he said.

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