
PADANG - The road belonging to the West Sumatra Provincial Government (Pemprov) that connects Padang Pariaman Regency with Agam Regency via Sungai Garinggiang District can be re-passed after being cut off for several months.

"The road is an emergency which is a proposal from the Nagari government to the West Sumatra Provincial Government," said Wali Nagari Kuranji Hulu Salman Hardani on the Garinggiang River, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 26.

The proposal was made because of the disruption in access to education, religion, social and economy of the people in the area since the collapse of the road in Luhuang, Kuranji Hulu.

Therefore, the provincial government built an emergency road designated for motorized vehicles and private cars that can be started on Thursday (25/8).

Previously at the location of the collapsed road, an emergency bridge was installed, but because the condition of the supporting soil was getting eroded by water, the bridge was opened.

"So after the emergency bridge was opened, the construction of the emergency road was immediately carried out," he said.

The emergency road was carried out by stockpiling soil with bamboo planted on the cliffs to strengthen the soil structure so that it is not easily eroded by water.

To secure the emergency road, the Nagari government freed up six residents' land for the construction of a ditch or flood breaker. The land acquisition for the ditch is also a request from the provincial government for a permanent bridge construction plan.

He hopes that the West Sumatra Provincial Government will soon build a permanent bridge in the area because the road is an important access for the community.

Meanwhile, one of the drivers, Rendi Hakimi Sadri (32), said that since the road access was cut off, he had to take an alternative road with a longer distance with many damaged roads.

"Well, if the Luhuang road is passable, of course we as motorists will benefit, and I think the traders who depend on this road will also be helped," he said.

Previously, the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) dismantled the panel bridge or bailey which has been used since December 2021 as an emergency bridge in Nagari Kuranji Hulu, Sungai Garinggiang District, Padang Pariaman Regency because of the worrying condition of the supporting soil due to continuous rain.

"We had to open the bridge because in addition to endangering motorists, the potential for the bridge to fall is also large," said Head of the Road and Bridge Preservation Section of the Department of Highways, Cipta Karya and Spatial Planning of West Sumatra, Khairul Anwar.

He said earlier this month that his party had also increased the length of the bridge to the Garinggiang River Market by three meters, but due to weather factors, the buffer soil on the other side continued to be eroded by water, so it was feared that it would no longer be able to withstand the load of the bridge.

The West Sumatra Provincial Government has included the construction of a bridge on the road that connects Padang Pariaman with Agam Regency into its work plan for 2023 with a budget value of Rp 11.5 billion.

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