
REJANG LEBONG - The Health Office (Dinkes) of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu, said seven residents from Selupu Rejang District who were bitten by stray dogs have received medical treatment.

Head of the Rejang Health Office, Lebong Syahfawi, said that the seven residents who were bitten by this stray dog suffered injuries to several body parts including the legs, hands, waist and face.

"The victims immediately received medical treatment from the nearest puskesmas but have not been given an injection of the anti-rabies vaccine or VAR, because they are still waiting for observations made by the team from the Rejang Lebong Distantan to find out whether they have rabies or not," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 24.

He explained that the stray dog that bit seven residents of Selupu Rejang Sub-district had been arrested by the Rejang Lebong Distantan officer and is currently being isolated for 14 days to make sure the dog is infected with rabies or not.

"If later the dog that bit the seven residents is found to be infected with rabies, then the new victims will be given VAR injections," he explained.

As for the seven residents of Selupu Rejang Sub-district who were bitten by this stray dog from several villages including Sunardi (50) and Andre (24) residents of Karang Jaya Village.

Furthermore, Sumarno (37), Yunita (38), Firgan (5) are residents of Sumber Urip District. Then Ponijo (49) a resident of Air Duku Village, and Jamroni (59) a resident of Sumber Bening Village.

Meanwhile, the Head of Livestock at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Distankan) of Rejang Lebong Regency, dr. Wenny Haryanti, stated that after the incident, the dog that bit the resident had been caught and they were immediately observed.

"We have caught the dog that bit the resident. We will see its progress over the next 14 days, if it doesn't die within 14 days, it's not rabies," he explained.

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